





US-COIL: Inter-University Exchange Project

To develop global human resources who can play an active role internationally and strengthen the ability to expand higher education globally, our university is implementing COIL-type international online exchange programs in partnership with universities in the United States. These collaborative education programs include the mutual virtual exchange of students between the three partner universities: Sophia University, Ochanomizu University, and us.
We began the US-COIL initiative at the end of academic year 2018 and, since then, have conducted the following programs:

(1) Introduction of COIL to course subjects
(2) Implementation of the Shizuoka Study Tour
(3) Short-term language training program in the United States
(4) Promotion of COIL within the university

The Inter-University Exchange Project is a subsidized project carried out by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, which was adopted in September 2018 and will be conducted for five academic years from 2018 (Heisei 30) to 2022 (Reiwa 4).