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The Shizuoka Study Tour

Yazaki Corporation (Feb 2020)

Shimizu Container Terminal Corporation (Feb 2023)

In August 2019 and February 2020, international students, who were accepted by Sophia University from American universities including her partner universities, and students from the University of Shizuoka participated in the three-day Shizuoka Study Tour on which they visited companies and other places in Shizuoka Prefecture. With the aid of the Shizuoka International Business Association (SIBA), the participants studied in advance about the importance of visiting companies in the prefecture and about the places they would be visiting, and deepened their understanding about these matters.
Although the tour was suspended afterward due to the spread of infections of COVID-19, it was resumed as a one-day trip in February 2023 and in February 2024.
Through all the series of the tour, we visited unique companies in Shizuoka Prefecture, which has diverse industries such as agriculture, manufacturing, and traditional arts and crafts, and a diverse history as well. By doing so, we aimed to promote understanding of Japan’s economy, culture, and history and to facilitate comparative studies with the countries of origin of the participants. Furthermore, the Japanese students at the University of Shizuoka, who participated in these tours to provide assistance in communication and guidance for international students, were given an opportunity to deepen understanding of their local area through exchanges with students from other countries as well as a motivation to find a job in their local area and carry on its traditional culture.
1. Overview of implementation
1st tour
Schedule August 5th (Monday) to 7th (Wednesday), 2019: 3 days
Participants 4 international students, 4 Japanese students, 5 faculty/staff members, and 1 SIBA member [14 in total]
Visits Tea Museum, Shizuoka (Shimada City): a tea ceremony experience
Sugimoto Tea Company (Shimada City): green tea pound cake making
Pi PHOTONICS, INC. (Higashi-ku, Hamamatsu City): a demonstration of HOLOLIGHT
INNOVATION ROAD, Yamaha Corporation (Naka-ku, Hamamatsu City): a visit to a corporate museum
Yamaha Corporation Kakegawa Factory (Kakegawa City): a visit to a piano factory
FUJISAN HONGU SENGENTAISHA, Mt. Fuji World Heritage Center (Fujinomiya City): a visit
Kyowa Plant of USUI CO., LTD. (Shimizu-cho, Sunto-gun): an observation of the process of producing diesel engine fuel injection pipes and exchange of opinions with employees
2nd tour
Schedule February 12th (Wednesday) to 14th (Friday), 2020: 3 days
Participants 4 international students, 5 Japanese students, 6 faculty members, and 2 SIBA staff members [17 in total]
Visits INNOVATION ROAD, Yamaha Corporation (Naka-ku, Hamamatsu City): a visit to a corporate museum
Yamaha Corporation Kakegawa Factory (Kakegawa City): a visit to a piano factory
OKITSURASEN Co., Ltd. (Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka City): a visit to a factory
Sumpu TAKUMISHUKU (Suruga-ku, Shizuoka City): a traditional craft [Suruga bamboo Sensuji craft] experience
Miyabi Andon Seisakusho (Aoi-ku, Shizuoka City): a visit to a Suruga bamboo Sensuji craft studio
FUJISAN HONGU SENGENTAISHA, Mt. Fuji World Heritage Center (Fujinomiya City): a visit
YAZAKI Corporation (Susono City): a visit to an auto parts factory
3rd tour
Schedule February 22nd (Wednesday), 2023: one day
Participants 10 international students, 3 Japanese students, 4 faculty/staff members, and 2 SIBA members [19 in total]
Visits Kunozan Toshogu Shrine, Kunozan Toshogu Museum, Nihondaira (Suruga-ku, Shizuoka City): a tour of a national treasure, etc.
IAI CORPORATION (Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka City): an observation of production of small industrial robots
Shimizu Container Terminal Corporation, Container Terminal Division of Suzuyo & Co. (Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka City):
a tour of an international trade container terminal and logistics system
4th tour
Schedule February 16th (Friday), 2024: one day
Participants 7 international students, 7 Japanese students, 6 faculty/staff members, and 2 interpreters
[22 in total]
Visits Kunozan Toshogu Shrine, Kunozan Toshogu Museum, Nihondaira (Suruga-ku, Shizuoka City): a tour of a national treasure, etc.
IAI CORPORATION (Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka City): an observation of production of small industrial robots
Shimizu Container Terminal Corporation, Container Terminal Division of Suzuyo & Co. (Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka City):
a tour of an international trade container terminal and logistics system
2 Feedback from participating students
After the tour, we conducted a questionnaire survey of the participating international students and asked questions such as what they found significant about the tour. The following are some of the responses we received: “I found myself attracted to the unique Japanese craftsmanship such as Suruga Sensuji bamboo craft,” “The craftsmanship of the masters stimulated my future business vision,” and “I found it meaningful to interact with students from Shizuoka.”
We also received responses from the participating Japanese students such as “We gained various new perspectives by learning about companies and industries in Shizuoka with international students,” “I thought it was important to take on a challenge without being intimidated by English,” “Although I had no experience studying abroad and it was my first time to spend so much time with people from other countries, I tried speaking English and this challenge made this tour very valuable to me.” Thus, I believe that these tours left a positive impact not only on the international students but also on the Japanese students in terms of their subsequent activities.